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Notice regarding the lending of works from the collection of the Aargauer Kunsthaus

Important! This information is only for curators of other museums, not for individuals.

Being home to one of the finest and most comprehensive public collections of Swiss art, the Aargauer Kunsthaus is happily committed to making its collection known both nationally and internationally.

In order to be able to respond to an ever growing number of loan requests within a reasonable period of time and with due regard for the professional care of the collection, we ask that you adhere to the following guidelines. This will allow us to process your request expeditiously. Thank you!

Time limits for submitting and processing loan requests

As a general rule, loan requests may be submitted at any time. However, please consider the following dates and procedures in planning your project:

Requests are to be addressed to the director of the Aargauer Kunsthaus and should be received at least 21 days prior to the loan meetings. This allows us to make clarifications as needed and reach a decision at the next loan meeting, which will take place three weeks after we will have received your request.

Within 21 days after the loan meeting, you will be informed in writing of the decision.

Requests may be filed in German, French, Italian or English.

Dates of loan meetings
Thursdays 29.2. / 20.6. / 12.9. / 5.12.2024

Deadlines for your loan request
Wednesdays 7.2. / 29.5. / 21.8. / 13.11.2024

Requests that fail to observe these time limits will automatically be discussed during the following loan meeting. The processing of your request will be delayed accordingly. This delay will not in any way affect how the request is assessed.

If necessary clarifications cannot be made prior to the loan meeting, or if documents are submitted incompletely or not at all, the request will likewise be delayed.


What are the documents we need to process a loan request?

a)    Exhibition concept including a cogent and substantial argument as to why the requested loan from the collection of the Aargauer Kunsthaus is needed for the exhibition.

b)    A complete list of works for the planned exhibition. If any uncertainty remains, we ask that you clarify details with regard to the works you wish to lend from the Aargauer Kunsthaus in advance with our registrar, Nora Togni:
nora.togni@ag.ch / Tel. +41 62 835 56 31

c)    A complete and signed facility report.

We thank you in advance for your interest in our collection.

PDF Notice lending of works